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Projets Spectroscopie

"new stars" spectra


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Main features for "new" stars spectroscopic identification near maximum light


Dwarf Novae




WZ Sge type

Intense blue continuum
Balmer lines weak in absorption or emission - sometimes : weak emission component in the absorption component






VSX J213806.5+261957 | 15-05-2010
(note the emission component in H béta absorption)



Type Fe Nova

Narrow lines < 2500 km.s-1
Fe lines especially multiplet 42
Frequent P Cygni absorption profile

Slow evolution (weeks)


V496 Sct | 09-11-2009



Type He/N Nova

Broad lines > 2500 km.s-1
N and He lines

Fast spectral evolution





KT Eri | 27-11-2009




Type SN I
no H lines
deep absorption(SiII) at 6150 angtröms







SN 2011by in NGC3972 |12-05-5011
Type Ia


Type SN II
H lines present








SN2011dh in M51 | 16-06-2011
Type IIb





Comparison between Type I and II supernovae


Supernovae lines identification  



Classification of supernovae
Turatto, 2003 : http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0301107










On novae spectral evolution : http://www.astronomie-amateur.fr/Projets%20Spectro4%20Novae.html (in french)

Further readings, with many spectra :

The formation of novae spectra
R.E. Williams
A.J., Vol. 104, Number 2, 1992

The evolution and classification of postoutburst novae spectra
R.E. Williams & al.
A.J., 376:721-737, 1991

The Tololo nova survey : spectra of recent novae
R.E. Williams, M.M. Phillips, M. Hamuy
A.J. supp. ser., 90:297-316, 1994




