Projets Spectroscopie

Etoiles Be


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Bess data base contains 2078 stars amoung them 1233 have not any spectrum.
For declination > -10 °, 262 stars have no spectrum

List of Be Stars without spectrum in Bess


Forte extinction interstellaire

E(B-V) = 0.75


Forte Extinction interstellaire

E(B_V) = 0.92

Extinction : E(B-V) = 0.15




Be stars in Pleiades Custer




17 Tau | Electra B6IIIe
21 Tau | Astérope B8V
23 Tau | Mérope B6IVe
25 Tau | Alcyone B8IIIe
27 Tau | Atlas B8III
28 Tau | Pléione B8IVe



