Projets Spectroscopie 3
Etoiles de Wolf Rayet


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Les spectres ci-dessous ont été obtenus à l'aide d'un LHIRESIII 150 t/mm - Meade LX200 254 mm - Starlight SXV-H9

WR 133 = HD
Type WN5 + O9
Mag 6,7
AD 20 05 57.33
DE +35 47 18.20
WR 134 = HD
Type WN6
Mag 8,23
AD 20 10 14.20
DE +36 10 35.10
WR 135 = HD192103
Type WC8
Mag 8,36
AD 20 11 53.53
DE +36 11 50.60
WR 136 = HD192163
Type WN6
Mag 7,5
AD 20 12 06.55
DE +38 21 17.80
WR 137 = HD192641
Type WC7
Mag 8,1
AD 20 14 31.77
DE +36 39 39.60
WR 138 = HD
Type WN5
Mag 8,1
AD 20 17 00.03
DE +37 25 23.80
WR 139 = HD
Type WN5
Mag 8,1
AD 20 19 32.42
DE +38 43 54.00
WR 140 = HD193793
Type WC7pd
Mag 7,07
AD 20 20 27
DE +43 51 16.30
WR 141
Type WN5+O5V-III
Mag 10.1
AD 20 21 31.73
DE +36 55 12.80












The VIIth catalogue of galactic Wolf-Rayet stars, van der Hucht K.A. 
New Astronomy Reviews, Volume 45, Number 3, February 2001 , pp. 135-232(98)

An atlas of optical spectrophotometry of Wolf-Rayet carbon and oxygen stars
Torres Ana V. & Masset Philip
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (ISSN 0067-0049), vol. 65, Nov. 1987, p. 459-483

Spectral atlas of the Galactic Wolf-Rayet Stars (WN sequence)
W.R. Hamann & al., A. & A. supp. ser., 113,459-471 (1995)

A three-dimensional classification for WN stars
Smith, Lindsey F.; Shara, Michael M.; Moffat, Anthony F. J.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 281, Issue 1, pp. 163-191

WolfRayet Stars and Galaxies
Peter S. Conti
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 112:1413–1416, November 2000


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